Work from Home Facility Extended To 31st December 2020
Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, the IT industry had to take measures to protect their employees and avail them with the ability to work from home. Thankfully, the Department of Telecom responded and exempted such industries from getting prior authorization – Work from Home License – to do so.
Now that the pandemic has affected even more people, the government has taken more measures. The Department of Telecommunication, via its recent notification, has extended its work from home norms for IT and ITES companies till December 31st 2020.
What is the significance of this extension?
For IT enabled service provider that use vast telecom resources to run their business, it’s mandatory to get “Extended agent License”. It’s a license that grants them permission to extend their telecom resources in a way that their employees can work from home. However, as work from home has become a new norm in this COVID19 world, the Department of Telecommunication took steps to exempt the ITes from getting the Extended agent license. The exemption was previously valid till 31st July 2020.
However, as the pandemic is now spreading at a rapid pace, the government has taken steps and extended the exemption’s validity once more. This time, the exemption will last till December 31st 2020.
However, it’s not a permanent solution
The exemption is a welcome move. It has provided many It companies to stay in business and expand it by getting talented employees from other cities. However, it’s not a permanent solution. As the world races towards the COVID19 vaccine, it has became evident that there won’t be any permanent cure any time soon. But one day, the exemptions will stop, and you’ll have to get the Work from Home License.
Therefore, the farsighted among you should get ahead of the curve and take measures to get extended agent license to allow your employees to work from home permanently.
And when you do, we’ll there to help
Our team of DOT professionals are well—versed with all the intricacies of such a license. After thorough examination of your requirements, and your desired timeline, we take up the task to go through the Extended Agent licensing process. By the end of it, you’ll get the work from home license on time.